JUST IN: The Director Of The Movie 'MELITA' Evang. David Kola Okeowo Shares Some Fun Facts About The Movie.

The Director Of the Long Awaited Movie "MELITA", Evang.David Kola Okeowo shares Some Fun Facts About The Movie MELITA (The Coming of Kedusha). David Kola Okeowo In His Words He Said; MELITA HAD MORE THAN 200 CAST & CREW ON SET This was the largest for me so far. At some point, we were knocking 300!. The costume wardrobe was massive! The logistics were extensive! MELITA was not just about the number. It was about duties and the uniqueness of the project. For example, aside from the regular crew like D.P. (we had 2), set designer, costumier, sound, art director etc We also had ✓ CULTURE CONSULTANT ✓ 2 Production Managers ✓ Director of Special Duties I never knew it was possible not to know all crew on a location. He Further said; Melita film location was different. I confess that the crew was so diverse that I didn't know all the assistants (I knew the HODs, of course). We bless God for the result. WE PRESENT MELITA IN ITS FULLNESS TO YOU ON TRECOM TV. YOU...