JUST IN: Evangelist Aliyu Nuhu, A Fulani Man Who is Now an Evangelist.

Evangelist Aliyu Nuhu Danfulani is A Northern From Southern Kaduna State Evangelist Aliyu Nuhu was born into a Muslim Family,and he converted and be a Christian. Evangelist Aliyu Nuhu is a born Again Christian which he Devoted himself and his Wife Mrs Rakiya Josiah to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Fulfulde (Fulani) to his Fellow Fulani people. During this years, Aliyu Nuhu Danfulani has Been bringing the souls of Men into God's Kingdom. He also distribute some Hausa Bibles to some of the people around him in other to be in family of God. Evangelist Aliyu Nuhu Danfulani has more like an NGO named Danfulani Charity Foundation which go about sharing God's word and sharing the Bibles in his rural area. Aliyu Nuhu Danfulani Is seeking for assistance in getting more of Hausa Bibles for it to make the Gospel go to the Rural areas. You can Contact Him On Facebook @ Evangelist Aliyu Nuhu Also on Instagram @ Evang Danfulani Christ Outreach Nuhu...