JUST IN: Not Every Single Lady will meet her Husband in Church.Tomiwa Grace

ENOCH Movie Star, Evang.Tomiwa Grace, Says some Young Single Ladies Always In a hurry to leave the Church after closing prayer in Church.
Tomiwa Grace in her Words further Says;

Sister Rella. Wait! Calm down!
Why are you always in a hurry to go home after church service? 
"All the youths please wait behind for a brief meeting." The Announcer announces. But we meet you waiting for a bike at the church junction after our meetings. You never attend single's hangout or praise concerts in church. 
You work in an organisation where the youngest person after you is your father's age mate. All your colleagues at work are married and you work Monday to Friday. Sometimes even the weekends are not spared!
You don't now still wait to mingle in church. "May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ..." You are already on your way out. "Be with us now and forever more." We're already looking at your ogor at the junction anddddd you have been trusting God for a life partner abi? 
Kanipe the key to the Husband you've been looking for is in your smile nko? Or Kanipe is just your voice that will unlock the door of that partner you've been waiting for nko? But because you don't greet anybody around you, You don't mingle with other youths in church, You don't even know how to smile again. You will be squeezing your face everywhere like agbalumo that slaps. Please tell me! How will Uncle see you? How will uncle approach you? 
Ohhhh! You're an introvert abiiii? You prefer to stay in your room and watch movies all day or press phone. You don't like taking yourself out until you see awuff shebii? You don't also enjoy the godly company of friends, families, and brethren abiii? I'm not saying you should be cheap and lay yourself on the altar of every Tom, Dick and Harry ooo. Of course! You'll carry yourself with the dignity and honour of a virtuous woman, but biko virtuous woman be friendly. Be courteous. Be discerning.  
No be everybody go meet hin Husband for church but you no know who God fit use for you. If you like don't wait on Sunday to greet your fellow church members. If you like don't learn to serve in the House of God and allow bro find you while serving God. If you like don't take yourself out more and learn to smile ooo.
Sister Rebecca went 'out' to fetch water from the well before she got discovered as Brother Isaac's wife. (Genesis 24: 15 - 67).
Even Cinderella had to go to the ball before the Prince found her. Only on rare occasions will God lead a man to his wife inside her father's parlour. 
You will be alright after you have used your hand to close the door to the partner you've been praying for! He will fly through the window of your room one day! one day!

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